A critical look at art
Young people take a critical look at controversial exhibits and discuss their current significance and how to deal with them:
How does the meaning of art change over time? How do we deal with works of art that show problematic content or contain discriminatory depictions in today's context? Should we separate artists with questionable biographies from their work?
In this program, young people engage with controversial exhibits and question their historical and current relevance. They analyze representations in the context of their time of origin and discuss how museums should deal with difficult content. This is not only about moral and ethical issues, but also about the social responsibility of art and cultural institutions.
Students are actively involved in the discourse through interactive methods and dialogical mediation. They develop their own arguments, reflect on different points of view and work out strategies for a conscious and critical approach to art.
This program promotes critical thinking, media competence and historical reflection - and provides valuable starting points for lessons in art and design, ethics, history and political education.
Recommended: 12 - 19 years
Guided tour 60 min
#criticism #reflection #history #political education