© Galerie Kopriva, Foto: Elfriede Mejchar

Being successful as a woman in the art world? What were and are female artists confronted with? What challenges did female artists have to overcome in the past - what hurdles do they face today? Why were mainly male artists represented in museums and historiography for a long time? And how did women manage to assert themselves in the art world?

Based on the works of the American artist Susan Rothenberg and the Austrian artist and gallery owner Christa Hauer, the young people examine the role models and prejudices that have accompanied female artists over the centuries. They learn how Rothenberg was the only woman to gain recognition among the influential neo-expressionists and how Christa Hauer really shook up the Austrian art scene. It becomes clear that the path of female artists was often characterized by resistance, but also by perseverance.

During the tour, the students analyze selected works of art and discuss the following questions: How visible are female artists today? How has the view of women in art changed? Who writes history and determines significance?

This program strengthens the critical examination of gender roles in art and society and offers starting points for lessons in art and design, ethics, history and political education.

Recommended: 12 - 19 years
Guided tour 90 min.
Bookable from 12.04.2025
#Feminism #FemaleArtists #Austria #America

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