Everything Caricature. Illustrated History
A creative and critical approach to history, politics and media literacy! Young people discover society, politics and history in historical caricatures and cartoons with a focus on current events in Austria. The students explore the understanding of humor in caricature as well as the freedom of the press and art by discussing how far satirical art can go and where it competes with other fundamental rights. With a sharp pencil, the young people practise their own critical commentaries and caricatures.
The focus of the course is on caricatures by Michael Pammesberger. For over 30 years, the Austrian caricaturist has been getting to the heart of political and social events with a precise stroke and sharp wit. The exhibition “Planet Pammesberger” provides a comprehensive insight into his work and shows a cross-section of his political caricatures with a special focus on current events in Austria. The artist has been drawing for major Austrian daily newspapers since 1992 and daily for the Kurier since 1997.
Pammesberger's drawings entertain in an ingenious way by capturing the tragic and humorous aspects of the political stage. In addition to daily politics, the young people also dealt with Pammesberger's social issues such as education, health, climate and media.
Recommended: 12-19 years
Guided tour 60 min., 90 min. with creative part
#caricature #political education #history #satire