Everything Caricature. Illustrated History

© Annemarie Sokol / Landessammlungen NÖ

Teenagers discover history and political events in historical caricatures and cartoons. They explore caricaturists' understanding of humor and explore the question of how far satirical art can go. With works by Manfred Deix, Bruno Haberzettl, IRONIMUS, Erich Sokol and Rudolf Angerer, they go in search of traces of the drawn stories surrounding the controversial Zwentendorf nuclear power plant project and learn about instruments of direct democracy in the form of referendums and petitions for a referendum.

The No to Zwentendorf - hardly any other topic moved Austria so much in the late 1970s: the first movements against the nuclear power plant in Lower Austria formed as early as after the ground-breaking ceremony in 1972. The referendum of November 5, 1978 is steeped in history: with a narrow majority of 50.47%, Austria decided against the commissioning of the already completed nuclear power plant.

During the 90-minute guided tour, the teenagers creatively link the historical originals with the here and now in the digital Book Creator.


Recommended: 12-19 years
Guided tour 60 min., 90 min. with creative part
#caricature #political education #history #satire

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