Focus Photography

Elfriede Mejchar © Bundesdenkmalamt, Fotoarchiv Wien, Foto Inge Kirchhof

Exciting insights into the world of photography: children learn about the basics and techniques of analog photography through the works of Austrian photographer Elfriede Mejchar. Mejchar, known for her diverse and detailed photographs, has captured the world through her camera in a unique way. But what makes a photograph art? How does analog photography work? How are special effects achieved with light and shadow?

During the creative part of the 90-minute tour, the children have the opportunity to try out a very old photographic technique for themselves: the cyanotype, also known as the photogram. This technique allows children to create their own works of art in a playful and creative way. They place various objects on light-sensitive paper and use sunlight to create fascinating blue prints. They discover how simple everyday objects can be turned into unique works of art using cyanotypes. The children's creativity is encouraged and their curiosity for the artistic possibilities of photography is awakened.


Recomended: 6-10 years
Guided tour 60 min., 90 min. with creative part
#Photography #technique #cyanotype

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