Focus Photography

© KMK, Foto: Winkler

Discover the world of photography! Using the camera obscura and the historical technique of the cyanotype, students explore the origins of photography. In addition, the smartphone is used creatively with simple tips to take impressive photos.

Using a pinhole camera model, participants learn how a camera obscura works and what it means, giving them an understanding of the origins of photography. The history of photography is briefly reviewed.

Using the old photographic printing process, the cyanotype, the students become creative themselves and experiment with light, shadow and composition. From the white sheet to image composition, exposure and the final photogram, the participants experience the technical and artistic process. With their own personal blueprint, the visit to the museum will remain a special memory.

As a leap from analog technology to digital, the young people then use their smartphones creatively to take impressive photos. The focus is on image composition, staging, unusual perspectives and simple tricks such as the rule of thirds.

This workshop promotes creative design, media skills and historical reflection - and provides starting points for lessons in art and design as well as technology and design.

Recommended: 10-19 years
120 min
#Photography #Cyanotype #CameraObscura #Perspective

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