The Simpsons in cinema & at the museum

© 20th Century Fox

The screening of two early episodes of the animated series by creator Matt Groening in the Kino im Kesselhaus is followed by a joint film discussion about the bizarre ideas, the merciless view of Western society and the biting satire of the TV series. The young people discover the cartoon art of the famous yellow TV family and the animation process in the Karikaturmuseum Krems.

Dates on request: 16-18.09.2024, 02-04.12.02024, 12-14.02.2025, 10-12.06.2025

Start from 8.00 am at the cinema in the Kesselhaus

Recommended: 12-19 years

Cinema & museum 135 min. | film and film mediation 60 min., walking tour 15 min., museum tour 60 min.

Special price € 4,- plus admission and guided tour

#cartoon #animation #film #satire

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