Full Steam Ahead!

Family Special

© KMK, Foto: Skokanitsch


Experience energy! We are constantly surrounded by energy and yet it is never revealed to us directly. In connection with the exhibition "Here Comes Bart! Simpsons Cartoon Art from the Collection of William Heeter and Kristi Correa",  this family special playfully explores the subject of energy and is suitable for children ages four and up. Interactively designed, it allows participants to learn about the production, consumption, as well as alternative sources of energy.

Giant Cave Fun Thanks to Muscle Power

Children learn first-hand how energy is converted in the accessible installation created by artists Flora and Martin Szurcsik-Nimmervoll aka Mars+Blum. Hand-operated fans are used to fill up the giant balloon made of parachute silk with air in order to create a play cave. The installation is the work of the KinderKunstLabor. Award-winning book illustrations from Die ganze Welt steckt voller Energie (The whole world is full of energy, Christine Steinlein / Anne Becker) and Wie wir Energie erzeugen (How we generate energy, Philip Bunting) reveal interesting and surprising facts about the force that powers us. In films, games, and experiments, children follow the EVN energy bunny Joulius into the colorful world of energy.

Curators: Gottfried Gusenbauer, artistic director of the Karikaturmuseum Krems, and Anna Steinmair, curator of the Karikaturmuseum Krems

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