© KMK, Foto: Visnjic

The Los Angeles based artists Lizzie Fitch und Ryan Trecartin are known for videos that are steeped in Bad Taste furniture and are offensive to both eyes and ears. In them, the artists take the zap- automatism of television and the click-logic of computer windows layered on top of each other to an extreme. Only on display for the second time in Europe at the Kunsthalle Krems, the seven-part multimedia installation Premise Place (edit 1) from the 2009 Goetz Collection is reminiscent of a wild mix of opulent YouTube tutorials and trash-TV casting shows, which are aimed at a hyper-consuming subculture that lies beyond any ethnic or sexual fixation.

The videos are characterized by violent, rapid cuts, scrolling, cheap digital effects and image inserts than bring to mind computer games. These features blur the boundaries between the real and the virtual, between the pursuit of what is fake and a yearning for realness by those suffering from a manic drive to express. These effects are accompanied by pitched voices and accelerated, stretched and compressed electronic sound particles, that are in turn counteracted by body-hitting thumping bass sounds and battered song fragments.

Viewers can watch young, garishly made-up people flounce around prop-like rooms, striking over- the-top poses, spouting non-stop hysterical black-humoured hipster gibberish, performing the drama of narcissism suspended between megalomania and depression. The film Re ́Search Wait ́S, which is featured in Premise Place, gets to the heart of this frenzy with the phrase “Capitulation is sexy”.

Curator: Thomas Edlinger


Lizzie Fitch
*1981 in Bloomington, Indiana, USA
lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

Ryan Trecartin           
*1981 in Webster, Texas, USA
lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

Zentrale Halle, Kunsthalle Krems
in cooperation with donaufestival

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