© KMK, Foto: Skokanitsch

With her art, Patricia Piccinini opens up a sculptural world of animal-human mutants, cloned creatures, and cyborgs. It is a world that looks at once familiar and fantastic-futuristic. At first sight, these creatures may well appear alien and surreal. On a closer look, though, one can see friendly faces and caring gestures.

Piccinini’s magical stories about diverse life forms are closely interwoven with our contemporary reality. She addresses climate change and high-tech developments that are about to radically transform our world and lives. Species are on the brink of extinction, and others are being created with the help of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. Hybrids of humans, nature, and technology, equally fascinating and frightening, are developing.

© KMK, Foto: Skokanitsch

Piccinini’s works imply ethical messages of empathy and care for all creatures and plants that we share this earth with—as well as for those yet unknown beings that will live among us in the future.

This is the first time ever that Patricia Piccinini, who was born in Sierra Leone in 1965 and lives in Australia, is exhibited in a comprehensive solo show in Austria. Sculptures, installations, collages, and video works are presented in a retrospective cross-section of her art oeuvre. The highlight of the Australian Pavilion at the 2003 Venice Biennale will also be on view in Krems: The Young Family (2002).

In cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Exchange, Tübingen, Germany.

Curator: Florian Steininger

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