© Perrine Lacroix

In cooperation with AIR—ARTIST IN RESIDENCE

The presentation of Perrine Lacroix’s work is the first time the Kunsthalle Krems is exhibiting an artistic position from the program AIR-ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Lower Austria. Thus, the exhibition marks the beginning of a series that provides exciting insights into the strategies and working methods of international artists who have worked in Krems as part of their scholarship.

Originally from Lyon, the artist Perrine Lacroix has already attracted attention with her installations at numerous solo and group exhibitions in France and abroad. Lacroix has operated the La BF15 art centre in Lyon since 2004 and is consequently actively involved in the international network of contemporary art.

She creates impressive perceptual breaks and irritations with minimal interventions and simple materials. Ranging from drawing to photography, video and installation work, her work is conceptually and medially pluralistic. The artist mostly points out social and societal levels of meaning with her work.

An example of this is when she refers to Winfried Freudenberg's attempted escape via balloons over the Berlin Wall shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. She does this with inflating and deflating balloons. As part of her time in Krems as an artist in residence during April 2017, Lacroix photographically documented Kunsthalle Krems’ construction site and renovations, which were happening during this period.

The public space, more than anything, is the territory of art with which she engages. She comes up with strategies for the artistic communication of socially critical topics. Her work with children has helped her distance herself from habitual modes of teaching contemporary art. It has also aided her in the development of new modes and the integration thereof into her work.

Curator: Andreas Hoffer

Perrine Lacroix
*1967 in Saint-Etienne, France
lives and works in Lyon, France

© KMK, Foto: Redtenbacher
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