Isolde Maria Joham

A Visionary Rediscovered

© KMK, Foto: Christian Fuchs
02 .04.2022-09.10.2022

Sophisticated glass art and large-scale photo-realistic paintings: The Lower Austria-based artist Isolde Maria Joham is a pioneer of glass art and a passionate painter, whose diverse artistic creation has been taking place largely outside the public limelight. In the Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, the outstanding artist can be rediscovered in a major retrospective!

Isolde Maria Joham, Der Mythos vom Griff nach den Sternen, 1985, im Atelier © Peter Cermak


The exhibition at the State Gallery of Lower Austria is dedicated first and foremost to Isolde Maria Joham’s paintings. However, it will also include Joham’s achievements in the field of applied arts as well as her original glass artworks.

The show presents the full range of Isolde Maria Joham’s work, from her early still life studies and impressive works of the 1980s and 1990s all the way to the most recent robot and travel images, which draw upon symbols from the Asian cultural sphere. Featuring roughly 80 works, the retrospective paints a vivid and authentic image of the painter and glass artist.


Only recently, the artist, who will celebrate her 90th birthday in 2022, has received long-overdue public recognition. In autumn 2021, she was awarded the Appreciation Prize for Fine Arts of the State of Lower Austria.

Curators: Gerda Ridler, Alexandra Schantl

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