© Courtesy of the artist

In cooperation with donaufestival, the Kunsthalle Krems museum presents an impressive video installation by the Austrian artist and filmmaker Oliver Ressler. It is based on video recordings made in July of 2022, during an expedition to the Svalbard archipelago. Located between the north coast of Norway and the North Pole, the region is experiencing the most rapid increase in global warming on earth. Ressler documents so-called climate feedback effects or "climate feedback loops", an example thereof being the progressive warming of the Arctic and the resulting chain reactions. The collapse of the texture of life, which has already begun, finds its acoustic equivalent in the installation which features the crunching, roaring and groaning sounds of the Arctic.

"Climate Feedback Loops" is a piece of work commissioned by Absolutely Cultured and donaufestival. In its new edition from 28.04. - 30.04. as well as 05.05. - 07.05.2023, some of its work addresses ecological questions against the backdrop of a capitalist economy.

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