SOKOL. Front Covers

The anniversary show

Erich Sokol, Exhibitionspartie – Fernsehdiskussionen zwischen Kreisky und Taus Der ÖVP-Chef kam über Vorbereitungen oft nicht hinaus,1977 © Annemarie Sokol

The best front covers from the Kronen Zeitung newspaper
On the occasion of Erich Sokol's 90th birthday (1933 – 2003), visitors can enjoy the best front covers from Sokol's time at the Kronen Zeitung newspaper. Erich Sokol is considered one of the most important caricaturists and cartoonists in Austria. Having worked for several domestic and international magazines and journals, he also worked for the Neue Kronen Zeitung newspaper for more than 20 years. Regularly appearing on the front pages of the weekend edition of the newspaper between 1975 and 1996, Sokol’s colorful cartoons were seen by and delighted an audience of millions. Perhaps you saw them too.

A contemporary history tour through Austria
The "SOKOL. Front Pages" exhibition comprehensively showcases Erich Sokol's work for the Neue Kronen Zeitung newspaper for the first time. Around 70 cartoons presented in chronological order invite viewers on a contemporary history tour from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. Starting with the first cover page "Hobbyurlaub" (Hobby Holiday), visitors will subsequently travel through events including Niki Lauda's first World Cup title, Gerd Bacher's farewell from ORF (an Austrian national public broadcaster) and documentary filmmaker Hans Hass’ 70th birthday, the depiction of which features Hans grinning from inside a shark whilst holding a camera. The exhibition grew out of a cooperation between the Caricature Museum Krems, the State Collection of Lower Austria and Annemarie Sokol, Erich Sokol’s widow. The State Collection of Lower Austria’s caricature collection has the most extensive collections of originals by Sokol.

Curators: Jutta M. Pichler, research associate at the Centre for Museal Collection Studies at the Danube University Krems, and Anna Steinmair, Curator at the Caricature Museum Krems

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