Christiane Peschek und Ernst Lima

© Nora Obergeschwandtner

We are 2 multimedia artists living in Vienna, Austria. Our collaborative and individual works have a strong focus on immersive experiences in a value-free, internet-influenced hyperreality. Since 2020 we have been working together on holistic, multi-sensory installations.

We explore the synergy between humans and technology and refer to cosmic contexts to create emotionally charged experiences for the visitors of our installations.

Apart from our own artistic and musical activities, we dedicate ourselves to a joint project once a year, which we realize exclusively during an artist in residency.

For these projects, we deliberately choose the most remote locations possible in the middle of or close to nature reserves or national parks in order to create a symbiotic relationship between nature and technology.

For our upcoming project DUAL HORIZONS we would like to apply for a residency at DJERASSI.

Similar to previous projects, during our residency at DJERASSI we would like to engage in research on binary star systems and their parallels to an internet-based zeitgeist.

Using scent, sound and visuals, we will later create a multi-sensory work that tells of dependency, resonance and (self-)consciousness at the end of the Anthropocene.

A binary star system consists of two stars orbiting around a common center of mass, offering fascinating insights into the dynamics and evolution of stars in our universe.

In a semi-mystical narrative embedded in digital techno-mysticism, we view the interplay of celestial arrangements through the lens of scientific observation to later relate it to the human and post-human mindset in an internet-based society.

Binary stellar systems, bound together by their mutual attraction and spinning around each other in predictable ways, exhibit a remarkable variety of commonalities with human behavior that we will further investigate during our stay at DJERASSI, such as visual binaries, spectroscopic binaries, and eclipsing binary stars.

Our research will alternately turn from the outside in, creating a playful practice that incorporates our expertise, experience and personal notes.

The aim is to create a first draft of an installation combining text, sound and objects by the end of our residency. We believe that the residency at Woodside is the perfect environment for the development of this interdisciplinary project and gives us the opportunity, influenced by this natural environment, to realize our vision.

We would be very happy to contribute to the public program of your residency, be it through a lecture or even through the development of an installation or performance, depending on capacity and interest.

The final work will be prepared for an exhibition. We usually leave the residency with an installation ready for exhibition.

Exchange institution: Djerassi Woodside, CA
Residence: May/June 2024

More about the artists
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