Ivana Gibová

Portrait photo by artist Ivana Gibova
© Atila Sarudy

The writer, editor, and illustrator Ivana Gibová is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and versatile contemporary authors in Slovakia. She received the Debut of the Year award for her short story Usadenina. Selected short stories from it have been translated into German, English, Serbian, and Hindi.

In 2016, Gibová won the René Anasoft Prize for the best high school debut with Barbora, Gott & Katharsis (Drava, translated into German in 2021). Her graphic novel Eklektik Bastard (2020) was nominated for the Anasoft litera award and won the Panta Rhei Prize as well as the Tatrabanka Prize. Her most recent book Babička© (2023) won the Anasoft litera award 2024.

Citizenship: Slovakia
Residence: Session 2 (24.02.-30.03.2025)

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