Michael Heindl
The starting point of Michael Heindl's work is the examination of the structures and dynamics resulting from the increasing alienation of late modern societies. He is particularly interested in the contradictions and paradoxes of human action in relation to a present that is experienced as a time of crisis. His main topics are the handling of the looming climate catastrophe and a capitalism that is perceived to be without alternatives.
In times when familiar systems and supposed certainties are eroding but concepts for a new order have not yet been established, internal and external conflict zones and areas of tension arise. For Heindl, this results in cracks in the perception of the world, which allow room for interpretation and thus a renegotiation of things. In his work, he is concerned with exploring this scope and the artistic potential that this entails. He usually realizes his projects in the form of targeted actions and interventions.
Exchange institution: SAIC Chicago
Residence: June/July 2024