Maximilian Heindl

Portrait photo Maximilian Heindl
© Jewel Carter

Maximilian Heindl is a multidisciplinary artist who moves between painting, design, street art and digital media. He is constantly in creative motion, painting, designing, spraying or building - always looking for new forms of expression. His works can be found on canvases, large-scale murals, clothing and in virtual space. He specifically plays with the tension between zeitgeist and kitsch, between tradition and modernity. 

Project plans
During my stay on site, I worked on several tapestries. One of the tapestries can be seen as a permanent installation in the Djerassi administration building. The motifs of the carpets are all directly inspired by the surroundings of the place of residence.

Exchange institution: Djerassi Woodside, CA
Residence: September/October 2023

More about the artist
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