Sunny Pfalzer
Sunny Pfalzer (*1991) is a performance and visual artist, a Freediver, a Go-Go-Girl and a Slugfrom Ternitz, Lower Austria. Whether they perform on stage, sew textile sculptures, hold a camera, choreograph for public spaces or the musuem, their approach is always bodily and felt. Sunny depicts how body language and clothes can construct statements. Sunny transforms their practice into various mediums. Costumes become sculptures, live Performances translated into Video works, installations mutate to social spaces. Facilitating workshops and collaborating is an integral part of Sunny’s practice, as these formats provide time and space to share knowledge, lived experience, time to reflect and unlearn together. Sunny’s recent presentations include KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, Goethe Institute New York, Kunsthalle Vienna, Shedhalle Zurich; Les Urbaines Lausanne; Wiener Festwochen, Centro Gulbenkian Lisbon and Kunsthalle Baden Baden. Sunny is Guestprofessor for fine arts at theLucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. During their residency at SAIC Chicago, Sunny Pfalzer developed and presented a solo performance that explores the material of leather and faux leather from both a somatic and societal perspective.
Exchange institution: SAIC Chicago
Residence: June/July 2024