My Museum 2024. A museum for everyone

© Kunstmeile Krems

Kunstmeile Krems and Volksschule Stein | Volksschule Lerchenfeld | BRG Krems Ringstraße | HLW HLM Krems | HLF Krems

Project period: January - May 2024

In 2024, the Landesgalerie Niederösterreich celebrated its 5th anniversary. Since its opening in 2019, the Landesgalerie Niederösterreich has been inviting schools and communities to actively help shape the museum space as part of the MY MUSEUM project series.

In 2024, 145 pupils from Krems explored what a MUSEUM FOR EVERYONE is as part of MY MUSEUM. Together with artists and the Kunstmeile Krems team, the participants developed creative artistic contributions that relate to the Landesgalerie Niederösterreich and show what makes a museum for everyone. The students' creative contributions are accessible in the museum space and on the museum's multimedia guide.

34 students of the HLF Krems / focus event management developed, planned and realized the participatory project and the day of action on 24.5.2024 together with the Kunstmeile Krems team.

Creative Projects MY MUSEUM 2024

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