Peter Steinr
American vs. Austrian humor. Excursus #3
Excursus #3 in the anniversary exhibition A real Deix is dedicated to selected works by the US cartoonist Peter Steiner and thus only seemingly leaves the boundaries of Austrian humor. The cartoonist, whose oeuvre comprises more than 15,000 works, is the son of Austrian emigrants. His cartoons, which have been published in The New Yorker magazine - for which he has drawn regularly since 1979 - are juxtaposed with the political caricatures of Manfred Deix in this excursus. This confrontation aims to make the cultural conditionality of humor visible. Cultural differences can be seen in the taboo zones that apply to humor and which are determined by societal, political, social and religious norms. Cultural differences can also be discerned in the setting of themes, which can be traced in the excursus.
Curator: Gottfried Gusenbauer