Artothek Niederösterreich

Experiencing art in everyday life

Die Kunstmanagerin Isabell Fiedler leitet seit 2019 die Artothek Niederösterreich. Sie erzählt, was bei ihr zu Hause hängt, wie Kunst an einem stressigen Montagmorgen helfen kann und was uns an neuen Werken erwartet.

Experiencing art in everyday life


Isabell Fiedler has been in charge of the Artothek Niederösterreich since 2019. She discusses what she has hanging in her home, how art can be beneficial on a stressful Monday morning, and what new works await us.

You probably get asked a lot what artotheques are. What’s your response?
Artotheques are institutions that make art accessible to everyone. Anyone can borrow works of art to hang in their own home or office and thus incorporate art into their daily lives. Without hassle and inexpensively. The Artothek is a wonderful way of making selected works from the State Collections of Lower Austria accessible to everyone. Simply borrow it, take it home, and enhance your everyday life!

What’s hanging in your home from the Artothek?
For a while, I had a large print by Herman Painitz at home. Now I’m thinking about borrowing a small work for my son. He’s in kindergarten and loves browsing the art library. Recently he chose one of Karl Korab’s colorful screen prints. A similar work hangs in my parents’ living room. Anyway, it has to be something small, I don’t have so much wall space.

Aside from available space: does every work go with every place?
Where a work is installed is important. It looks different above a dining table than a sofa. You look at a painting differently in a hallway because you go by it a lot. How things are combined is also crucial. The way objects relate to one another should not be underestimated. They communicate with each other.


Does this effect change over time?
Yes, I think you can always see paintings in new ways. The colors change depending on the light and mood. On a stressful Monday morning, for example, you can pause for a moment in front of an uncluttered work of art. That gives the day structure. The people around you also play a part in this. A work of art is always a conversation starter.

What can we look forward to with the next rotation of works?
We can expect prints by Herwig Zens, new works by Adolf Frohner, and large-scale paintings as well. The selection process is exciting: what works do the State Collections have? Which ones are newly acquired? Some purchases are even made with the Artothek in mind. The “new” works are then photographed and added to the database. Then it’s basically available for borrowing!

What are the selection criteria?
We make sure that the range is as diverse as possible. From abstract to representational. From the 1960s to the very latest. Painting is always in high demand. Clients appreciate variety. They’re always interested in borrowing new works and being able to engage with them. If an artist has just been honored with an award, for example the Lower Austrian Appreciation Award, then the hope is that these works will be added to the collection.

Do the Artothek’s regular audience change their tastes?
People are constantly evolving in their relationship to art. When starting out, many choose works based on color or size. Aesthetics are the main focus. Then a lot of Artothek users start researching things. The next time they visit, they ask more specific questions and look more closely at individual artists or a particular style. It’s nice to see how people can grow from this. How they immerse themselves in this cosmos and become more and more focused. If that doesn’t happen, that’s fine too. A painting can also simply enhance the mood in a room. Without any ulterior motives.

Can trends be seen in the preferences of borrowers? What is especially in demand at the moment?
In general, large-format, colorful works are becoming increasingly popular. Smaller works, especially darker prints, are not taken home as often. For new customers, the prominence of the artist is often relevant. But ultimately, individual taste is always surprising and we look forward to every new consultation with our clients.

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