LOAN ARTBooks can be loaned from the library, art can be loaned from us. Works by interesting artists turn white walls into a personal place, a home, a pleasant workplace. Welcome to the Artothek Niederösterreich!
Opening hours
THU-SAT 12.00-6.00 pm (March-Oct.)
THU-SAT 12.00-5.00 pm (Nov.-Feb.)
open on public holidays (THU-SAT)
Have you already found your favourite artists? Many artists have more than one work in the Artothek. You can thus combine or exchange works as the mood takes you.
Art Brut from Gugging
Oswald Tschirtner, August Walla, Johann Hauser and Ernst Herbeck have long since become international greats as ‘Gugging artists’. What began as art therapy now exhibits as ‘Art Brut’ in museums in Lausanne, at the MoMa New York and at the Drawing Now Art Fair in Paris. And - if you want - on your walls too!