© KMK, Foto: Meyer



The Artothek Niederösterreich offers you the opportunity to loan contemporary art unbureaucratically and cheaply.

Lending Conditions

The works can only be lent on presentation of a photo ID and a registration form. The loaner acknowledges the loan conditions specified in the general terms and conditions by signing the loan form.

Privatpersonen Betriebe und Institutionen
Grafik € 24 € 48*
Gemälde € 60 € 120*
Loan Periods

A loan period is 6 months, whereby an extension to one year is possible.


when lending a graphic or a painting for members with a valid ID: 
1 month free of charge for friends of the Kunstmeile Krems, Förderverein Kulturbezirk St. Pölten and for Ö1 Club & Ö1 Intro members


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